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  • National Disability Employment Awareness month (NDEAM)
    October is National Disability Employment Awareness month (NDEAM). This is amonth for celebrating the value and talents workers with disabilities add to America’sworkplaces and economy. With that in mind, we celebrate the longstanding SummerEmployAbility Program at the Wisconsin Center for the Blind with the following article. The Summer EmployAbility Program: Building Real-World Skills for YouthBy Dave Ballmann and Jessica Myers The Summer EmployAbility Program is a five-week experiential learning initiative thatequips young… Read More »National Disability Employment Awareness month (NDEAM)
  • Clarifications on the use of the APH Federal Quota Fund
    As we are addressing the American Printing House for the Blind (APH) Federal Quota Program and onboarding our new AEM Data Specialist, we are also exploring many changes and needs that we want to forecast to you. We will also be planning to forecast to LEAs, TVIs, families and our community partners. There are major changes in the APH Federal Quota Program which we learned about in December of 2023. The previous… Read More »Clarifications on the use of the APH Federal Quota Fund


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