Outreach Service Requests and Consultations
Professional Development
- Mentoring Program
- Professional & Family Support Teams
- Roles, Relationships, and Responsibilities
- Frequently Asked Questions
Student Programming
Conferences & Special Programs
Steps for Receiving Services from WCBVI Outreach Team
General Questions
Requestors submitting an Outreach Service Request may ask a general question, which does not require sharing of personally identifiable information (PII). Topics that may be submitted under general inquiries include:
- Assessment (State or District Testing)
- Assistive Technology (AT)
- Birth to Six
- Braille Resources
- Cortical or Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI)
- Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC)
- Family Resources
- Low Vision
- Orientation and Mobility (O&M)
- Professional Development (when staffing and resources allow)
- Research about a specific eye condition
Assistive Technology Consultation (Virtual Only)
Our Assistive Technology (AT) Specialist offers consultations regarding the use of technology for students who are blind or have low vision. Support and resources regarding how to conduct an AT assessment can also be provided, however WCBVI Outreach cannot conduct these assessments or provide written reports as we are not a part of the student’s IEP team.
Additionally, the AT Consultant maintains the Assistive Technology Loan Library. Consultations to family and teachers regarding choosing an item for their student is also available. This Capital Equipment) Loan Program is free. For more information, visit the Assistive Technology Loans page.
Birth to Six Services (including consultation and training)
The WCBVI Outreach Preschool Consultant partners statewide with professionals and families as children with visual impairments transition into early childhood until the age of 6 years, including those with multiple impairments. The Preschool Vision Consultation services include partnering with a Teacher for the Visually Impaired on:
- Functional Vision Assessments (FVA)
- Pre-Braille and early Learning Media Assessments (LMA)
- Active Learning
- Behavior Concerns
- Requested Resources
- Annual Preschool Conference for families and professionals
- Assistance and tips in teaching a preschool child with a visual impairment, including those with multiple impairments
The WCBVI Outreach Preschool Vision Consultant also partners with families and professionals in B-3 as a resource providing:
- In-Service & Training for professionals and families on general tips and tools working or raising a child with a visual impairment
- Consultations in developmental milestones for children having a visual impairment, including those with multiple impairments
- Consultations in understanding and addressing the unique behaviors in a child with a visual impairment, including those with multiple impairments
- In-Service for professionals and families on functional visual development
- In-Service in early literacy and concept development for a child with a visual impairment, including those with multiple impairments
- In-Service with Active Learning
- Annual Preschool Conference for families and professionals
Requested Resources
Braille Consultation
Our Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) Consultant offers consultation and collaboration with Local Education Agencies (LEA), Certified Braille Transcribers, Braille Specialists and statewide Teachers of the Blind and Visually Impaired (TVI) regarding current statewide assessment accommodations for students who are blind and visually impaired, including those who utilize braille. Our ECC Consultant also maintains current knowledge of national trends and best practice in ECC curriculum and programming for school age students who are blind and visually impaired, including proficiency with core and ECC content area standards for reading instruction for students who are, or who will become, braille readers.
Cerebral/Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI)
A consultation in the area of CVI can consist of support in the following areas:
- Assessing functional vision and evaluation
- Programming planning and intervention
- Sensory and behavior questions
- Resources and locating materials
A member of the outreach team can also observe a lesson and give feedback.
Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) Lesson Planning and Support
Our Teachers of the Blind and Visually Impaired from the WCBVI Outreach team may assist TVIs and O&Ms through observing lessons related to the ECC as well as assisting in creating lessons related to the ECC for implementation for your students.
Family Support
WCBVI Outreach connects with families, caregivers, educators, and other community partners statewide to enhance the understanding of educational programs and services available to students who are blind and have low vision. WCBVI Outreach can provide resources, support, mentoring, workshops, and networking opportunities. For general family resources please visit our Family Resources Page
Orientation & Mobility (O&M) Consultation
Our Certified O&M Specialists from the WCBVI Outreach team may assist TVIs and O&Ms through observing lessons, discussing disability related needs and goals, problem solving unique travel situations, sharing best practice and guidance related to Orientation & Mobility concepts, techniques, and tools. They are also available to talk with families.
School-Age Consultation (6 Years through 21 Years)
The WCBVI offers consultations for students ages 6-21, as well as evaluation support for professionals.
School-age vision consultation services include support in the following areas:
- Functional Vision Assessments (FVA)
- Learning Media Assessments (LMA)
- Program planning
- Low vision strategies and devices
- Visual efficiency
Transition Consultation
Transition services are provided for students, their families and educators throughout the state. These include:
- Career exploration
- Preparing for postsecondary education
- Employability
- Independent living
Services may include collaboration with agencies such as the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, adult service agencies, and postsecondary institutions. Services, also, may involve review of records (including IEPs) with the goal of creating a successful transition into adult life.