Transition Resources
Professional Development
- Mentoring Program
- Professional & Family Support Teams
- Roles, Relationships, and Responsibilities
- Frequently Asked Questions
Student Programming
Conferences & Special Programs
Transition is the planning for what comes after high school. In Wisconsin, it is required for all students who have an IEP starting at the age of 14. The portion of the IEP called the Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) is required beginning at the age of 14 and continuing until the student completes high school. The PTP addresses goals in the areas of education, employment/training and independent living.
Transition Resources
Digital College Readiness Checklist (PDF)
Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC)
Support services for adults with disabilities.
Beyond Age 18
Helps teams create meaningful, individualized special education service plans for students with IEPs who remain in high school after their peer’s graduation.
Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs; (CYSHCN)
Promotes quality care for children and youth with special health care needs in Wisconsin.
Health Insurance Basics for Teens
Guardianship Support Center
Information for guardianship and other alternatives.
Family Voices of Wisconsin
Resource Library.
Has valuable resources on person centered planning, guardianship, long-term planning, mental health, ABLE accounts, and Social Security.
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Information on Supplemental Security Disability income
ABLE Accounts
Savings/investment accounts for eligible individuals with disabilities.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
Resources for job seekers to access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy.
US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Information on trends relating to growth industries, pay and benefits and geographic trends.
Career Conversations YouTube
A wide array of recorded interviews with blind professionals.
Career OneStop Videos
Career videos arranged by the 16 Career Clusters.
Job Seeker’s Toolkit
A five-module virtual course to build critical skills to lead to a successful job search.
Let’s Get to Work Podcast
Includes interviews with blind or visually impaired men and women in all walks of life.
WCBVI Professional Mentor Webinars
Interviews with blind professionals from Wisconsin.
Dual Enrollment
How to earn college credits while still in high school.
Preparing for Postsecondary Education: What Families Need to Know from PACER Center
APH ConnectCenter
Resources for job seekers, employers, and families.
Equipping More Professionals on Work and Education in Rural Communities
Transition online courses and a mentorship program focusing on rural transition.
Academic and Career Planning (ACP)
Tools for students and families to make more informed choices about postsecondary education, training, careers for life after high school.
Wisconsin DPI College, Career, and Community Readiness for Students with Disabilities Webpage:
Additional videos, Think College resources, and IEP team decision making resources.
For Professionals
Career and Life Readiness
A series of self-paced, micro courses designed for professionals to support students in transition.
Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC)
Essential curriculum to equip BVI students with skills for success.
ECC Take Charge Daily Challenge Videos
Short videos on the Expanded Core Curriculum.
Career and Technical Education (CTE)
CTE programs provide quality work-based learning programs, relevant academic skills, and workforce behaviors necessary for success.
Youth Apprenticeship
A resource for high school juniors and seniors for an opportunity to explore their chosen career paths and help employers to develop a qualified and committed workforce.
Customized Employment: A Path to Meaningful Work
Describes what Customized Employment is.
Transition Services/Pre-Employment Transition Services Outlined in the PTP
Think Ability Wisconsin:
Think Ability Wisconsin is a free, statewide transition and employment resource network that helps special educators, service providers, students with disabilities, and their family’s plan.
Business Enterprise Program (BEP)
Trains blind entrepreneurs to own and operate businesses.
Perkins Transition Resource Center
It has a searchable bank of transition resources including great college and career resources.
Transition Activity calendar
For blind and visually impaired youth who are planning to attend college.
Independent Living Centers in Wisconsin
Office of the Blind and Visually Impaired (OBVI)
Provides services for individuals who are blind or visually impaired to support living independently.
Vision Forward
Provides low vision services, orientation and mobility services and assistive technology training.
Wisconsin Council of the Blind and Visually Impaired
Provides advocacy, education and vision services for individuals who are blind and visually impaired.
World Services for the Blind
Provides virtual and in-person life services and career training programs for people blind or visually impaired.
National Association of Blind Students (NABS)
An organization for blind students that provides mentorship, leadership development and resource sharing.
WI TIG Transition Improvement Grant
Provides professional development to educators, youth, families and transition partners to ensure every child graduate college and is career ready.
DPI Employability Skills Co-op
A state skills certification program for students to demonstrate mastery of desirable work skills.
Transition Networking Directory
A resource for connecting with transition personnel in your district.
Employment First
U.S. Department of Labor
Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities:
Learn about the programs, grants, and partnerships that BPDD is working on to support good jobs for all Wisconsinites!
Self Determination Youtube Channel:
Videos of self-advocates from Wisconsin discussing a variety of topics.
The ARC of Wisconsin
For people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
For Employers
Benefits of Hiring a Blind or Low Vision Employee
WiTransition app
This app is designed to help Wisconsin students and family members participate in the transition planning process. The questions in the app help students give input into the requirements of the state and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Individuals residing outside of Wisconsin may use this free app, but it is recommended that you first check your state laws to ensure the information is applicable. The information contained in the app is not legal advice. Please contact an attorney in your state if you need specific advice for your Postsecondary Transition Plan.